The entire run is available on paper at cost of copying and mailing. That includes the first two letters and a brief overview of other early letters. SABR members, send to Paul Wendt/ 64 Riverside St #3/ Watertown MA 02472-2652/ either $15 (thru #2001, 200+ pages) or $20 (complete, 270+ pages) by check or money order payable to Paul Wendt. Nonmembers, send $25, which helps defray the cost of miscellaneous mailings to members and serious nonmembers alike. Read the Newsletter Archive guide to contents.
number date note Paul Wendt, editor 2005:2 none printed May 2006 2005:1 none printed July 31; SABR34, 19c Cmte projects, other projects 2004:2 none 2004:1 none "Special Issue: In the Projects" 2003:1 none "Anniversary Issue" (1853, 1983) digital archive, 19c Notes 2001-2005 Greg Rhodes, editor none Summer 2001 Frederick Ivor-Campbell, editor 99:2 Spring 1999 includes Baseball's 19c Best results 99:1 Winter 1999 with Official Ballot enclosed separately 98:2 Fall 1998 includes Sample Ballot, Baseball's 19c Best 98:1 June 1998 with committee name-and-address list attached 95:3,4 Summer/Fall 1995 95:2 Spring 1995 95:1 Winter 1995 94:1,2 Winter/Spring 1994 93:4 Fall 1993 93:3 Summer 1993 93:2 Spring 1993 93:1 Winter 1993 92:3 October 1992 92:2 July 1992 92:1 April 1992 none December 1991 (untitled before 1991) Robert L. Tiemann, editor, 1987-90 none December 1990 none July 1990 none July 1989 none February 1989 none November 1988 none June 1988 none February 1988 none November 1987 The founding co-Chairs John Thorn and Mark Rucker communicated first with the prospective and then with the official SABR research committee in several letters, 1982 to 1987. Read an overview of the letters.Note. The SABR archive is not now (Summer 2004) a good source because it is divided between SABR and the Western Reserve Historical Society, and it is mainly uncatalogued at WRHS.
Acknowledgements. Former Chairs John Thorn, Bob Tiemann, and Fred Ivor-Campbell helped assemble the complete set beginning November 1987. Former Chair John Husman provided numerous 1982-1987 letters from the founding co-chairs John Thorn and Mark Rucker.