The Fat Activist Task Force

What is the Fat Activist Task Force?

The Fat Activist Task Force is a coalition of fat activists participating in organized letter writing campaigns to fight size discrimination. Members write letters of protest or praise to targets designated in Task Force Alerts or in the NAAFA Newsletter.

Why was the Fat Activist Task Force formed?

For years, a number of dedicated NAAFAns have written activism letters in an attempt to change society's attitudes about fat people and fat admirers. In 1989, several members of the Philadelphia NAAFA chapter organized a lengthy activism campaign to get Hallmark remove some offensive products from its line. The chapter's success demonstrated the effectiveness of a joint coordinated effort directed at a single target. In 1990, NAAFA established the Fat Activist Task Force to channel individuals' complaints and reactions to maximize the benefits of letter writing.

How does the Fat Activist Task Force work?

The Fat Activist Task Force Coordinator notifies Task Force members of activism targets via first class mail. Task Force Alerts include an explanation of NAAFA's policy position and background materials such as reports or news clippings. Alerts include targets for both complaints and compliments. NAAFA provides new Task Force members with general instructions on writing activism letters and how to hold activism letter writing parties.

What are the membership requirements?

All NAAFA members may participate in the Fat Activist Task Force by requesting membership through the NAAFA office or with the Task Force Coordinator and by agreeing to abide by the rules of the Task Force. No additional dues or fees are required of NAAFA members; only letter writing skills, interest, time, and energy. Members remain active in the Task Force by writing a minimum of three fat activism letters a year.

How is the Task Force financed?

The Task Force is a special project of NAAFA, Inc., and there is no charge to NAAFA members joining the Task Force. However, donations are encouraged and are fully tax-deductible. Individuals and NAAFA chapters donating $100 or more are designated as Fat Activist Task Force Supporters.

How does a NAAFAn join the Task Force?

To sign up as a member of the Task Force, simply call or write the NAAFA office. You'll soon receive an introductory information packet and your first Fat Activist Task Force Alert. Anyone joining the Task Force by December 31, 1991 will be considered a Charter Member of the Task Force, but they will retain Charter Member status only as long as they are a continuously active Task Force member meeting the annual letter writing requirements.

How are the Task Force targets chosen?

NAAFA's Executive Director and the Task Force ~- Coordinator review recent activism letters and materials received by the NAAFA office to determine the most suitable current targets. Targets chosen are of national interest and have a significant impact on the size acceptance movement. NAAFA chooses a balance of positive and negative targets and includes targets from the media, advertising, politics, education, employment, and current news. Members' feedback on target selection is welcomed.

What else can NAAFAns do besides writing letters?

If you just hate writing letters, some of the Task Force designated targets can be contacted by phone. As previously stated, the Fact Activist Task Force can also use your financial support. In addition, many other activism projects are available to NAAFA members at both the chapter and national level. You might be needed to help organize a demonstration or educational workshop, or to be a guest speaker or just to stuff envelopes. Many NAAFA committees can use new members. Contact the NAAFA office or your local chapter to :see what particular volunteer needs are most urgent. When inquiring, be sure to mention your special skills and interests.


Task Force members agree that:


PO BOX 188620, Sacramento, CA 95818 Phone:(916) 558-6880 Fax:(916) 558-6881

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