Airline Tips for Large Passengers

Airline travel can be a nightmare for the large person. Small seats and aisles, the long walk from the check-in area to the gate, and the frequent insensitivity of passengers and crew can all contribute to an unpleasant flying experience. But with careful planning, your flight can be safe and enjoyable. Follow the guidelines listed below in order to maximize your comfort while flying.

The most important thing to remember is that you have the right to fly anywhere you want to go. Your needs deserve to be met, but it may be up to you to remind them of this simple fact. If you experience problems despite your precautions, write a letter of complaint to the airline. Remember, you have a right to accessible transportation.

Contributors: Jean Soncrant and Lynn McAffee

PO BOX 188620, Sacramento, CA 95818 Phone:(916) 558-6880 Fax:(916) 558-6881

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