NMIS Project Final Report 1993 - 1997

7.1 Individual Participants


Massachuesetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Educational Services (MIT/CAES)

Shaoul Ezekiel - Director of CAES and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Richard Larson - Director of CAES and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Richard Noyes - Associate Director of CAES and Director of Video Programs and Conferences.

Paul Bosco - First NMIS Project Manager. Coordinated the original design and setup of the major components of the project.

Thomas Lee - NMIS Project Manager, worked particularly closely with the CMU Interoperability study. Also set up the demonstration site for INTERNET CNN Newsroom in Lexington, MA.

Jimmy Lai - Developed and prototyped an on-demand, continuing education application for science and technology professionals.

Kip Compton - Developed and delivered initial trial the INTERNET CNN Newsroom interactive digital video news magazine

Jonathan Soo - Developed NMIS Open Media Distribution Architecture which used HTTP as a presentation layer protocol and was designed to distribute MPEG-1 and higher quality video. This was used to deliver NMIS video-based applications were delivered to users via the Internet.

Brett Leida - Pursued the requirements for and implications of cable/telco convergence in networked multimedia delivery infrastructures.

Grady Seale - Explored the infrastructure requirements to support the emerging electronic publishing industry.

Massachuesetts Institute of Technology Center for Educational Computing Initiatives (MIT/CECI)

Steve Lerman - Director of CECI and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Philip Bailey - Last NMIS Project Manager, and also directly coordinated work on the Internet CNN Newsroom component of the NMIS project.

Diane Calabro Bosco - Project administrator.

David Mycue - Current system manager for NMIS and NSOC.

Steven Niemczyk - Worked with INTERNET CNN Newsroom and created StreamObjects.

Douglas Schreiber - Worked with INTERNET CNN Newsroom and created SVML.

Justin Lapierre - Application Development.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development (MIT/CTPID)

Jack Ruina - Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Director of CTPID's Program on Digital Open High Resolution Systems (DOHRS)

Lee McKnight - Associate Director of the MIT/CTPID who focused on standards and policies to support an interoperable multimedia services infrastructure and the extension of multimedia services to schools.

Richard Solomon - Associate Director of MIT/CTPID who sudied security requirements for conducting electronic commerce.

David Carver - Associate Director of MIT/CTPID who explored NMIS interoperability and local loop requirements.

Branko Gerovac - Explored interoperability requirements for networked multimedia services.

Suzanne Neil - Research associate who dentifed how existing multimedia standards efforts effect networked multimedia services in general and how NMIS results can contribute to existing multimedia standards efforts.

Joseph Bailey - Research associate who focused on internet economics, electronic commerce, and marketing and the Internet.

Elson Y.Liu - Research associate who studied diffisuion and cost models of INTERNET CNN Newsroom.

Russell Rothstein - Studied K-12 architecture models and evaluation of costs and benefits using INTERNET CNN Newsroom.

jae Hun Roh - Examined uses of INTERNET CNN Newsroom in the classroom and implications for policy.

Russell Neuman - Worked with RPCP in his position as Edward R. Murrow Professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.

Other Graduate research assistants David Gingold, Douglas Melcher, Joseph Reagle, Jeffrey Kuan, Rob Cheng, and Andrew Sears.

Dartmouth Interactive Multimedia Laboratory (Dartmouth/IML)

Joseph Henderson - Responsible for project management of the health care component of NMIS.

Andrei Pascovici - Helped to create all-digital version of "Respiratory Emergencies in Children" (REC).

Susan Johnson - Provided animation and graphic arts for IML video and on-line productions.

John Erickson - Helped to create an all-digital version of 'Respiratory Emergencies in Children' (REC), then examined fair use and copyright management issues.

Carnegie Mellon University Information Networking Institute (CMU/INI)

Marvin Sirbu - Director of the Information Networking Institute and Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy of Carnegie Mellon University.

Ian Simpson - Explored mechanisms to provide billing and accounting for the delivery of video information over the network. This work is related to an ongoing electronic commerce activity known as the NetBill project.

Carnegie Mellon University Informedia Digital Video Library Project

Howard D. Wactlar - Informedia Project Director

Craig Marcus - Informedia Project Manager
