NMIS Project Final Report 1993 - 1997

2.4 Future Directions in NMIS Services


Future efforts should continue to demonstrate the availability of multimedia information services for lifelong learning using the National Information Infrastructure (NII). Figure 2 below is an illustration of the vision of how future initiatives should strive to find ways in which technology can best be used to communicate specific knowledge to particular learners.

Figure 2: Intelligent Matching of Pedagogy and Technology to Content and Learners

These future efforts to develop and deliver networked multimedia information services may have greater success by considering the following recommendations:

* Place as much emphasis on the development of end-user support for the services as on the development of technologies.

* Strive to be sure that both tools and services are designed to be flexible enough to support partial and incremental implementation, so that it is easier for the users of services to gradually evolve away from immediate and familiar uses towards an expanding set of innovative uses as they are recognized.

* Form cooperative relationships with their respective professional organizations, existing state and federal government initiatives and publishers.
