Your final project will be to create a site and publish it on the web. In many ways, all other assignments in this class are designed to prepare you for this assignment. You may choose to develop this as a educational project for your class, school or the world at large. You are encouraged to develop a web site of particular interest to you that will be useful beyond the course.
If you wish to expand upon your midterm assignment, that is fine, as long as takes place.
Final Project Proposal (10%)
Due Friday, 2nd Weekend
Write a short description of your proposed site, intended audience, goals, technical issues, graphics and other media needed, information you plan to integrate from the web and anything else you may want to include. Also include a description of the context in which you would use the site and discuss relevant pedagogical and social issues.
Please bring any media that you would like to include in your project to class the second weekend.
Project Story Board and Rough Draft (10%)
Due Sunday, 2nd weekend
Prepare a storyboard (site map) of your projected final project (you can use software such as "Inspiration" or draw freehand). This should reflect what you want for the flow of the site when it is completed -- the idea is to take an opportunity to plan the structure of your site and brainstorm what you will need and how it will fit together. It is fine if this is a preliminary plan and working document which won't necessarily be identical to what you turn it in when you are finished. Take into consideration your experience critiquing other pages and developing your own rubric. Consider design issues, placement of graphics, size of the photos, navigational links, etc. Also, remember to consider the folks using s l o w modems!
You are not required to use every fancy feature in the book. You may design your site with Shaker simplicity if it suits your purposes. Clean, sharp, and clear is a good starting point! However, you should be sure to include a minimum of 5 or more related HTML pages that clearly demonstrate your basic proficiency in the following areas:
Project Final Draft (30%)
Due 4 Weeks after Last Class
When you are finished, you should turn in the following items: