Simple Tables for Layout

Use simple tables to control page layout.

Often there's a need to present information in a more structured fashion than that provided by lists.
HTML really lacks formatting features, so tables can help to compensate.
Tables display information organized into "rows" containing a series of "cells".
The best part is that you can also include picture'\s and links in table cells.
You will find that most pages on the Web use tables to some extent.

Tables begin with <TABLE> and end with </TABLE> tags.

Rows are defined by <TR></TR> and data cells by <TD></TD>.

A table must have at least one row and one cell.

Usually, the lines are hidden from the user.

Type in the following table...


<TR><TD>This is a box. Can you see me?</TD></TR>


Now, try this more advanced example...


<TR> <TD> </TD> <TD>left</TD> <TD>right</TD> </TR>

<TR> <TD>top</TD> <TD>X</TD> <TD>marks</TD> </TR>

<TR> <TD>bottom</TD> <TD>the</TD> <TD>spot</TD> </TR>


Now, go see how this table will look...[simple table example]

Hint 1: Notice the same number of cells per row!
Hint 2: Don't be afraid to use spaces and returns for formating tables in the editor.

WARNING: Take out the end table tag, just to know what happens.

See Creating a Simple Table Castro p. 134 (alt. p. 145)

Lesley ECOMP 6009   © 1999 Mary Hopper mehopper@world.comUpdated 12/01/99