
Use the Web to become more aware of the issues of Copyright related to the Web.

Copyright law as it pertains to the web is full of grey areas. Many net surfers feel that if it is "on the web" it is there for their use regardless of the content. Some others believe that the copyright laws as written do not apply to the net at all, thus there is free reign in what one can and cannot do with the content found on the net. There is great debate on the "borrowing" or implying that intellectual information presented is yours. This site shows example of how frames can be used to imply ownership of anothers work. Is it legal? Is it moral? So far there are no definitive answers, and even the courts cannot agree.

Copyright Issues on the Net

  • Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines
  • Stanford Fair Use Copyright Law
  • Yahoo Perspective
  • The Copyright Web Site

    Lesley ECOMP 6009   © 1999 Mary Hopper mehopper@world.comUpdated 12/01/99