Play Interactive Multimedia

Learn to use native browser formats and view examples of media found on the Web.

There are a wide variety of multimedia types on the Web. For each type, there are usually a number of common formats. Each format will either be able to be seen automatically with the browser you are using, or will require a special plug-in to see it. One way to find out what you can already play is to check your browser.

In netscape, if you go to the "help" menu and select "about plugins" you will see a valuable page--print it!

What types of graphics can your browser open automatically?

Look at the file name of a picture you have on your computer.
What is the extension at the end?

At the present time, most browsers can display images in GIF or JPEG format.
GIF (graphical interface format) is usually used for line drawings and transparent images.
JPG or JPEG (joint photographers exchange group) is usually used for photographs.

You may want to read more about GIF and JPEG image formats:

Use the graphic software on your computer to convert and save an image in the other format.

Notice that animated images are special forms of gifs (graphic interchange format).
They use up to 256 colors, but also contain multiple layers which switch to annimate images.
Annimated GIFs are displayed automatically in exactly the same way as regular GIFs.

Take a look at some annimated GIFs from the links below:

Lesley ECOMP 6009   © 1999 Mary Hopper mehopper@world.comUpdated 12/01/99