ECOMP 6009 Authoring with HTML
Mary Hopper
Lesley College
This class will focus on the development of Web pages by and
for students and teachers. It will also include how students can publish
their own work on the Internet and integrate their web sites into the life
of the classroom and the school. We will visit web sites created by students,
teachers and schools as we consider the pedagogical issues of publishing
on-line. The class will also identify technical HTML resources suitable
for classroom use. We will learn the basics of HTML and explore advanced
features such as tables, forms, and the use of JavaScript. Given the graphical
nature of the World Wide Web, there will be an emphasis on design and processing
digital images using PhotoShop, scanners and digital cameras.
WEB PUBLISHING: Use software to view, create, format,
and link web pages, then publish them on the Web.
(INTER)ACTIVITY TIME: Create, borrow and edit media
for the Web.
WORKSHOP: Explore how Web pages can be designed to
enhance teaching and learning.
Lesley ECOMP 6009
© 1999 Mary Hopper mehopper@world.comUpdated