Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Organization of This Document
To start you on the road to building that application we give you several types of information:
- Overview: a brief description of the structure of an application and the building blocks available to you in the ADL, plus a discussion of the ADL's philosophy
- Hello World: provides a glimpse of AthenaMuse's powerfully simple application description language (ADL) before the more formal descriptions that will follow in later chapters
- Description of the ADL: the simpler, basic constructs of the language and the more complex units made from these simpler ones
- Using activities in ADL: a description of the mechanism by which AM2 objects request notification of and respond to user actions and other external events, such as reaching the end of a video segment in an application
- Annotated samples of ADL programs: for those who like to learn by association and example, this section provides a series of programs of increasing complexity
- Wrapped class reference: description of the system-defined wrapped classes, including accessible members and methods, supported activities and sample programs illustrating common uses of wrapped classes
- Creating wrapped classes: explanation of the use of the wrap script, a tool for system developers who want to make their own C++ classes available to the ADL
The AthenaMuse environment attempts to offer true application portability across the UNIX and Windows platforms. This document will footnote platform dependencies where they exist.
Certain features were conceived as part of the original AthenaMuse design but have never been implemented. While there is no guarantee that these features will be implemented in the future, we have retained discussion of them in this document because the design of AM2 is usually more comprehensible when they are included. All such features are clearly marked unimplemented.
AM2 Documentation - 19 NOV 1996

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