Networking For Knowledge LO12630

Carol Sager (
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:24:18 -0500

[Host's Note: I had to shorten the subject line... Carol had "Networking
For Knowledge - A forum for an Epiphany ????" ...Rick


For the many people who have contacted me about keeping up with the
Networking for Knowledge group- Networking for Knowledge is alive and
well! The topic for our last meeting was Rengineering. Emergent ideas
revolved around creating full employment opportunities; creating effective
predictive processes; gaining authority within an organization; looking
for opportunities to make a big difference.There was some discussion about
how to save/catalogue these ideas.

Some comments from the last meeting: "Different perspectives created new
ways of looking at things." "This is the forum..I keep expecting an
epiphany..." "We are learning from each other..." We are also learning how
to learn from each other.."

The next meeting of Networking for Knowledge will be held Friday PM,
2/28/97 from 7PM to 8:30PM in the Boston area. The topic: Intellectual
Asset Management (and wherever that takes us). If you can attend. please
call for directions.

1. We follow Open Space Technology Guidelines. 2. We use DeBono "..a
positive exploration of an idea to discover and show up whatever good
features it has. The next step might be to find the weaknesses in order
to avoid or strengthen them, rather than using them as a means for
rejecting the idea."

Usually our agenda starts with introductions and comments. We discuss
the topic proposed. We then wrap up and set the direction for the next
meeting. Any business opportunities and/or requests are discussed at the
end of the meeting for those who want to stay.

As a result of the LO Wheatley Dialogue, a few of us met to try to put
theory into practice. Our premises:

1. A wealth of knowledge exists and can be generated among people with a
passion for learning and a willingness to explore connections across
traditional boundaries. (Wheatley)
2. "We either get used to thinking about the subtle processes of
learning and sharing knowledge in dispersed, transient networks Or we
perish," Tom Peters (1994)
3. "Of one thing we can be sure. The quality of our life in the future
will be determined by the quality of our thinking." DeBono
4. Who knows where this might lead, what we will learn from each other,
or who we might become together. Critical Linkages II Newsletter

Carol Sager, Sager Educational Enterprises
Critical Linkages II Newsletter; 21 Wallis Road,
Chestnut Hill, MA 02167; V.(617)469-9644; Fax(same)-9639

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>