The Beer Game at AOL LO12603
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 18:25:25 -0500 (EST)

Hi All:

Just logged on to AOL for the first time in weeks. I Keep the account
because I've had the Screen Name so long, old friends use it, and it is
kind of sentimental in a way; kind of like your first Pinto. Months ago,
because of the log-on problems with AOL, I went with a new IP. Now I just
keep the AOL account as a backup for around $5.00 per month.

So, we all hear what AOL is trying to do to make up for the situation it
has got itself into (too many customers, unable to service them). Now
they are spending Millions and Millions to play "Catch-up". But how many
customers are defecting to other non-commercial I.P.'s (more reliable,
sometimes cheaper, higher speed access, better tech support, etc)? Sounds
like the classic "Beer Game" in action to me!

Well, thats what I thought of when I woke up today!

Christopher A. Canfield


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