[Host's Note: This is a followup to Leanne Grillo's short msg a few days
ago. Y'all come! I'll be there! ...Rick]
The MIT Organizational Leaning Center's Annual Meeting:
"Sustaining Transformational Change: Organizing for Learning"
April 1-4, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Boston, MA
Perhaps this question of how to organize a learning community is not just
the one that we face, but is the core question that confronts all
organizations seeking to transform their capacity to build knowledge.
In order to address this core question, we invite you to come and learn
from the experiences of an innovative and unique consortium that has
forged new partnerships among researchers, consultants, and managers in
some of the world's leading companies. Join the exploration of an emerging
learning community that is committed to the integration of theory and
practice, the world of research, and the world of action.
All senior managers and leaders in companies who are responsible for or
committed to creating change in their organizations.
Don't miss this opportunity for your organization to learn from
leading-edge thinkers and practitioners in a forum that will help you
prepare for the new challenges of the 21st century.
Note: space is strictly limited in order to facilitate interaction and
collective reflection, so please register early.
Please contact our conference administration for more information, or to
register for this event:
Pegasus Communications Inc., 1696 Massachusetts Ave.,
Cambridge, MA, 02138
Telephone (800) 272-0945 or (617) 576-1231
Order Fax (800) 701-7083
--sbuckley@MIT.EDU (Stephen C. Buckley)
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>