Intro -- Jim Yates LO12515

Jim Yates (100635.1052@CompuServe.COM)
12 Feb 97 19:21:58 EST

Hi everyone,

I've been listening in on the list for a couple of months and now feel I'm
ready to dip my toe in the water!

I originally trained as a Chemical Engineer and am a Director [VP] of a
privately owned company which designs and builds chemical plants, we are
about 60 strong, supplemented by around 20 freelancers when times are
good. At the moment they're not too bad.

I got interested in the concept of learning organisations through the Open
University Business School here in the UK where I did my MBA through
Distance Learning. The course is systems biased and one module in
particular, Creative Management, maps well on to some of the concepts the
list has been discussing.

Now that I've broken the ice, I will hope to comment on a few things, but
will restrain myself tonight. One of the threads which I have found
interesting of late has been that on "Length of Postings". Quotation with
my team, I am not sure whether it is from Mark Twain or Thoreau, "I am
sorry to have written you such a long letter, but I did not have time to
write a shorter one", perhaps I should practice what I preach.

A number of other threads have interested me lately and I intend to chip
in on them as time progresses. One area I would like to re-open though is
the question of Quality Standards. In our business we are always producing
prototypes, no two plants are the same, the process of designing them and
project management is constant and elements are repeated, but there are
significant differences from one to the next. We've struggled with the
ISO9000 type approach but recognise that this may help standardise
approaches and ensure compliance with procedures.... the big BUT however
is the effect it has on the content. You may follow a procedure to write a
symphony to the letter, but what will it sound like. Does anyone have any
views or suggestions on this.

I look forward to participating in lively discussions.


Jim Yates Ventron Technology Ltd Stockport UK

"It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" - G Pichot III

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