I am writing this open letter to elicit anyone's help in finding a way for
me to become a paid contributor in the field of change management and/or
learning organizations, training and org. development etc.
I seem to be going around in circles and would appreciate your
contributions as to how I can get myself into work that I have just
discovered I have been doing without knowing it. I have sat mesmerized
while reading posts from such as Ben and At and feel more at home in this
conversation than any other I have ever been in. I have created and
continue to create, more from my inate talent than any formal training,
ideas that I know will work and understandings that I know to be true.
They are confirmed everytime I read a post on this list. I have to
believe that there is a way for me to get in, even without a long training
Does anyone have any ideas? I have skills in marketing, packaging, PR,
training and consulting, though I have consulted to small companies on a
variety of subjects. I know I would be a valuable member of any team and
be able to be a strong leader, if given a chance.
I am so passionate about this work that I cannot believe that it has taken
me so long to find it. I am so frustrated because I can't seem to find an
"in". I am willing to uproot myself or do whatever I have to to begin
this path. I am totally open.
Can you help? I have unsubscribed from the list for now because it hurts
to talk about what I love when I cannot participating or contribute on a
career basis, so please address your responses privately to:
Diana Mordock
(415) 924-3339
FAX (415) 924-9719
--Diana Mordock <104022.36@CompuServe.COM>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>