What practical things can managers, leaders and trainers do to ensure the
spiritual safety of people in organisations?
In our work over the past ten years in this area, five specific strategies
can be used to create a *no-lose* (vs. a win-win) situation, from which the
answer to your question can be left to emerge as an outcome:
1- Define the threat to spiritual safety as a potential problem or conflict
and move through the problem-solving process with the group in a structured
2- Define the *conflict* in terms that can be well understood by the various
persons. You want the leaders position to be understood also.
3- Express each person's feelings with I-messages, rather than blaming or
judgemental you-messages, which almost always impede the process
4-Use active listening to communicate your acceptance and understanding of
the other person's feelings
5- Frame the initial presenting problem in a way which turns into a deeper
and often, a more basic problem, which also has to be solved.
I hope this helps. Please let me know.
Frank Voehl (FVoehl@aol.com)
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