On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, William J. Hobler, Jr wrote:
> After some long conversation concerning lurkers and lurking I would like
> to suggest a change in terminology for this community. Dialog requires at
> least two behaviors, speaking and listening. Let us recognize those who
> don't often contribute, i. e. speak, as "listeners".
I was very pleased to see your posting, William. I remember many years ago
I finally got up courage to ask my *first* question in an online
discussion group (after having agonized on how to phrase it, as I recall).
I received back a warm response similar to the one our host/mod sent to a
recent person who introduced themselves. At that time, I was a real newby,
but the moderator pointed out how "read only visitors" were always welcome
to ask questions or participate when they were ready. So ever since, I've
never use the word *lurker*, and at times I've continued to be a read only
As a person who appreciates others (and myself) learning, I've tacked up
in my cerebellum the maxim to the effect that we can never *really* be
sure what persons learn, when, where, why or how. We can only be open and
supportive while they're trying.
Thanks for your ongoing discussions.
Bill McQueen in Toronto
| |
| wmcqueen@oise.utoronto.ca |
| "Life is a seamless robe of learning!" |
--William McQueen <wmcqueen@oise.utoronto.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>