Length of contributions LO12094

JC Howell (orgpsych@csra.net)
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 01:11:50 +0000

Replying to LO12084 --

In LO12084 Ethan Mings wrote:

> From another angle, I often find the length the length of the positing has
> a relationships to the clarity of the posting. Some of the best readings
> rest in short messages which present points of view on specific threads.
> The points are presented in a clear, concise argument. Some of the *not
> so interesting readings* are long, not well structured and hard to follow.
> Hence, the software should not be singled out as a problem.
> Could it be, in an effort to make a point, we often fail to present a
> structured argument which others can follow?

We live in a "sound bite" society where complex points must be made in
bursts of thirty seconds or less, problems solved within 60 minutes, and
needs (desires) satisfied using borrowed money. It's hard to shake this
prevalent attitude.

Whatever happened to the well-turned phrase? The logically developed
argument? The intelligently presented thesis? I don't think that either
of these is generally possible without spending some time composing
thoughts and presenting them in a coherent manner. That generally means
long postings. Then, too, there's the problem of not feeling like we have
enough time to spend actually reading one of these antiquated

On the other hand, in our haste to get our instant gratification of
recognition or feeling like we are a part of what is going on (been there,
done that, still wear the t-shirt ... NEXT!) we may feel like we MUST get
that post off immediately. Enter software and such that allows each to
compose and edit quickly (Rick's comment). Unfortunately, this situation
also lends itself to the ill-turned phrase, the illogical argument, the
unintelligible thesis.

The balance has to lie somewhere. Does that somewhere have to be
deisgnated and established as a rule? Perhaps we can just read those
which we want to read and ignore those which we don't. If that means
missing a really good presentation because it is too long, oh well!


Clyde Howell orgpsych@csra.net

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