TQM vs LO LO12066

Leon Conrad (100755.1675@CompuServe.COM)
19 Jan 97 10:36:31 EST

Replying to LO12021 --

At, in your long message about Columbus, you wrote:

> Columbus had this creative idea that he will reach the east by sailing on sea.
>Where does the idea originate from? I do not know, except that it can get

This argument is based on the presumption that Columbus had no factual
information that led him to his decision to set sail to unknown lands. I
seem to remember from books I have read and programmes I have watched
about him that this is not the case.

Plato was talking about ideas in an abstract form. Aren't empirical
discoveries separate and distinct from the concept of 'idea' that Plato
was talking about? Maybe we're at odds about sources here.

> I was determined to go right into the lion's den to find
> out what this sentence really meant.

This inner conviction, drive and urgency conveyed here is to me much more
appealing than the previous abstractions in your message.

What is it that impels us towards our goals?

You mention decisions taken in two ways - some 'logically' (leaving you
feeling like a square peg in a round hole) and some in an
'intellectually-unified' way.

The latter you seem to claim led you to a more fulfilled understanding of
yourself and what goes on in the world around you.

What is behind this urge for unity - to find unity in oneself and be in
harmony with the universe for some people?

My knowledge of the 2nd law of TD is limited to the Flanders and Swann
song about them - so I'm a bit lost about what you are trying to say here
- however I'll stick to my 'urge' theme ...

Does the same urge lie behind actions and standpoints that are moral and
ethical (e.g. Gandhi) as those that are immoral and unethical (e.g.
Hitler)? Is there a 'right track'?

>I set out on a pattern hunting.

I like this idea - I have (nearly as long as I can remember) thought about
humans as pattern-making animals. How else can we explain art?

But again - what's the urge behind pattern-making? Why do we do it? Where
does it come from?

I have noticed that most effective communicators - espeically humourists -
are able to make connections between disparate objects, apparently
unrelated, with ease. This is a kind of pattern making. Does it fit in to
what you are saying about creativity? If so, what is the link?

You mention maths and physics - there's a niggling idea at the back of my
mind that much of what you are thinking about is encapsulated in sacred
geometry. The difference being that you are attempting to harness the
creative elements within nature and form some practically-based ideas to
work on empirically. Am I right?


Leon Conrad
The Conrad Voice Consultancy
website: http://www.actual.co.uk/conrad


Leon Conrad <100755.1675@CompuServe.COM>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>