To all,
I've been out of the office for a few days, so forgive the time lapse
between the thread of how people feel about reading this listserv and
my response. I have a couple of points I want to make, so please bear
with me.
I, too, have sometimes felt like I send off my message and it's
ignored. Then I remember how _I_ read this list. I have a family, a
job, several hobbies, and so on, and I don't have time to read each
message people send with the care each deserves. This morning alone I
had eleven digests to read from this listserv, plus all my other
email, and sometimes I have to break down and work :-). So I skim a
lot, looking for the names and threads that interest me.
Point 1 is: sometimes people aren't ignoring you -- they're just busy.
Even so, I often want to respond to people, to tell them how much I
enjoyed their comments, or to ask a question, or to make a point of my
own. I often don't because I don't have as much time as I'd like.
Sometimes I don't feel able to comment well. Like several of you, I've
learned most things about the topics we discuss on the job or on my
own, rather than at school or out of a book. So I won't cite erudite
sources as much as my own experience or opinions. As I feel I have
more to learn than to offer in many of the areas we discuss, I often
would rather listen than add my voice to the mix.
Point 2 is: sometimes people aren't ignoring you -- they think saying,
me, too, isn't a good use of email, or they may feel reluctant to add
their voice for several reasons.
I don't think we have an inner circle. I think we have some people who
have more time to comment than others. I've always felt welcome to
comment here, and responses I've received in public and private from
fellow readers have always been warm and interested. That's not to say
we always agree. But my experience has been civilized, fun,
thoughtful, caring, and intelligent.
Point 3 is: volume of emails from a few people doesn't indicate an
inner circle; just a lot of writing time :-)!
Speaking from the heart IS risky, as we've all noted. It can run the
risk of being read as mushy, unfocused, unverifiable. I tend to talk
about it more than my analytical side, because it's a newer resource
for me. My analytical side has been well worked and successful for
most of my life, and so I tend to take it for granted more. Numbers
have to add up, data must be supported, ducks must be in a row for me
from the start. But when that's all true, it still must FEEL right in
my heart. Without it, all the analytical stuff is just dust.
Point 4 is: speaking from the heart doesn't mean the head isn't
engaged. It may mean the head's strong enough to stand beside the
heart, rather than in front of it.
I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this listserv in the 15 months I've
been reading. I've met some dear friends through it, and I can't begin
to list all the things I've learned. Few of my corporeal friends (as
opposed to you, my ethereal friends) discuss the topics we do, and I
appreciate the thoughtfulness this electronic medium seems to allow
Warm Regards to All,
Martha Landerman
senior creative analyst com
Try yoga. As your body flexes, so does your mind.
--"Martha Landerman" <>
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