Rick asked me to follow-up on "The Eight Principles of the Heroic
Environment" The principles themselves are:
-Treat others with uncompromising truth
-Lavish trust on your associates
-Mentor unselfishly
-Be receptive to new ideas, regardless of their origin
-Take personal risks for the organization's sake
-Give credit where it's due
-Do not touch dishonest dollars
-Put the interests of others before your own
They form the unifying force of LeBow's Shared Values Process Operating
System. You can see their development in the book "A Journey Into the
Heroic Environment", Rob LeBow, Prima Publication, 1990 & 1995
(softcover). ISBN 1559586885 or by visiting
-- jzavacki@wolff.com John Zavacki The Wolff Group 800-282-1218 http://www.wolff.com/Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>