Games: an obstacle to learning LO11732

Wed, 8 Jan 1997 09:55:00 +0000

Replying to: Depression: an obstacle to learning LO11000

>Yes, sometimes we need to find a way to release our stress. And many new
>computer games provide just such a release. If you haven't tried playing
>Duke Nukem, I highly recommend it. Just be weary. . .its a nasty meme that
>will destroy your life!

Hi Ben,

You've hit a thread with me. I enjoy playing both computer, and more
socially, boardgames as a means of unwinding. I don't personally enjoy the
shoot em up variety of game but take pleasure from the "management of
resources" types.

I'm thinking on my feet here trying to make a connection to the LO list
themes and keep returning to the learning experiences I have had with
games (not least of which is the beer game). I believe the environment a
game is played in can also effect the learning that comes from it. I, and
my company use games to demonstrate the principles and practices used in
process aligned businesses. This is often done in a team based
environment, where the team has been formed to begin a re-engineering
effort. The unity created in a game in attempting to achieve a common goal
is not normally part of operating culture. It can be quite eye opening for
some of the team.

I cannot pinpoint whether the fact that the team are playing a game at
work (oxymoron?) creates the unity, (i.e. doing something naughty), or is
it simply the fun they have. Or a subtle combination. The games have
learning built into them and it seems that the principles and theories we
try to get across in games stay with the team longer than those presented
on overheads. Is it that experiencing something new in such an
environment, and using a non-traditional medium creates a synergy of some

Sorry for rambling,

Simon Devereux.


"DEVEREUX, Simon (CSC)" <>

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