Thank you John for your nice remarks on stupid feelings .. or .. feeling
John Paul Fullerton wrote:
> Yesterday, I spent time reading part of the Gutenberg (free ASCII)
> edition of the "Tao Te Ching", and the writer says
> "everyone else seems to know what's going on and I alone am stupid; I
> am the one who does not know the answer and can find no satisfaction
> in my viewpoint. Yet I know the embrace of my mother, the Tao."
It aptly describes how i felt.
Also i need not recommend The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoffman, who gives
"The Way of Virtue" (*deugd* in the dutch translation) for Tao Te Tsjing,
and also "The way of the Universe". The *classical way* will be more in
line with the K'oeng Foe-tse. But perhaps it all results from how the
chines characters are pronounced ;-).
Have a nice year
Jan Lelie
--Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (J.C. Lelie) @date@ @time@ CREATECH/LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development - + (31) 70 3243475 Fax: idem or + (31) 40 2443225
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