Conference Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this pre-conference survey so that
the conference planning committee can develop The Best of Teams 97 to meet
your organization's needs. In appreciation of your time and effort, you
will receive a $50 discount off of the conference registration fee. In
addition, you will receive a complimentary copy of Richard Hackman's
keynote speech from The 1995 AME Conference entitled "The Revolutionary
Implications of Team Self-Management."
1. Which speakers would you be most interested in seeing at The Best of
Teams 97? Please rank order the following people 1-10; 1= Most Interested
in Hearing. Please cross out any names you do not recognize.
___ Nancy Adler ___ Susan Cohen ___ Larry Hirschorn
___ Harvey Robbins ___ Debra Ancona ___ Howard Cross
___ Jon Katzenbach ___ Peter Scholtes ___ David Antonioni
___ Samuel Culbert ___ Jim Kouzes ___ Peter Senge
___ Red Auerbach ___ Mike Ditka ___ Jessica Lipnak
___ Hank Sims ___ Ron Archer ___ Anne Donnellon
___ Chuck Mans ___ Doug Smith ___ Emory Austin
___ Michael Donovan ___ Susan Mohrman ___ Richard Teerlink
___ Warren Bennis ___ Kimball Fisher ___ Linda Moran
___ George Wibbin ___ David Campbell ___ Richard Hackman
___ Harrison Owen ___ Jack Zigon
2. Are there any other speakers you would like to learn from at the
3. What are the five most pressing questions you would like answered at
The Best of Teams 97?
4. What types of teams are currently present, or will be introduced in
the upcoming year, in your organization?
5. Please evaluate the following potential conference topics: (1=high
interest, 5=low interest)
___Developing Teams ___Making the Transition Teams
___Compensating and Rewarding Teams ___Evaluating Team Performance
___Virtual Teams ___Leading Teams
___Performance Management for Teams ___Motivating Teams
___Team Facilitation ___Coaching Teams
___Team Confict Resolution ___Empowering Teams
___Developing Senior Management Teams ___Gaining Sponsorship for Teams
___Team Communication Skills ___Team Building Activities
___Selecting Team Members ___Team Competencies
___Team Assessment Tools ___Global Teams
___Teams and Organizational Change ___Teams and Trust
6. Please list any other topics you are interested in:
7. Please describe the types of conference sessions, benchmarking,
networking, and learning opportunities that would enhance your experience at
The Best of Teams 97.
8. Please indicate any leading organizations that you would like to learn
from at the conference.
In appreciation of your time and effort, we would like to offer you a $50
discount for The Best of Teams 97 and a complimentary audiotape of Richard
Hackman's keynote address entitled "The Revolutionary Implications of Team
Name: _________________________________ Title: ___________________________
Company: ____________________________ Address: ______________________________
City: ________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________
Phone: _____________________ Fax: _____________________ Email:
Please return this survey by email at or FAX to: Nicole
Coughlin at 617-862-2355.
Nicole Coughlin
Linkage, Inc.
One Forbes Road
Lexington, MA 02173
Ph: 617-676-0007
Fax: 617-862-2355
--Nicole Coughlin <>
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