Wheatley Dialogue LO10361

Carol Sager (sagerent@world.std.com)
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 12:15:42 -0400

Replying to LO10328 --

Thanks MSL
In the spirit of dialogue- thoughts re: your question are that we are
all in the right and we are all in the wrong (as in the story of the
blind men and the elephant). My question: what synergistic response
could arise from trying to synthesizeand move betond these appearingly
opposite points of view.

Smith-Lewis, Margaret wrote:
> This statement reminds me of the difference in approach of Western and
> Eastern Medicine. The former focuses on the parts, the disease, and on
> cure, the latter on the whole system (of the person across time and in
> relation to cosmic influences), the relationship of the person to the
> imbalance, and on healing. What can we learn from this analogy that
> relates to our discussion of systems vs. parts view?

Carol Sager, Sager Educational Enterprises
Critical Linkages II Newsletter; 21 Wallis Road,
Chestnut Hill, MA 02167; V.(617)469-9644; Fax(same)-9639

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