Speed. Change. Time. LO10297

John Constantine (rainbird@trail.com)
Wed, 02 Oct 1996 07:33:12 -0700

Replying to LO10290 --


It probably should come as no surprise to find that others have personal
feelings which are being aimed at you. It's possible that you, as we all
from time to time, have an "impressionist" view of ourselves, one in which
we look better than we might really be to the outside world. This doesn't
require therapy but is a natural part of learning as we grow.

It is also probable that those "others" are themselves feeling the
effects of their own cognitive dissonance, and have chosen their way of
releasing the stress. Again, not to be viewed as catastrophic but part of
natural growth of your learning organization in transition. I do know one
thing for certain - it can be a most painful experience when such things
happen and, given your choices (and mine) will probably happen again.

The fact that you have headhunters calling you, the fact that you have
the ability and the capacity to begin anew within your department, the
fact that you have made a conscious decision to continue, are not things
that should be undervalued. Not all can say what you have said, nor can
they be in the position you are in (painful though it may be). Be of good
cheer..."we have miles to go before we sleep".


Regards, John Constantine Rainbird Management Consulting Santa Fe, NM http://www.trail.com/~rainbird

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