Tue, 20 Aug 96 09:26:09 EST

Replying to LO9250 --

IN LO9250 Carold stated:

> Achievement is often accompanied by $$$$$$$ or a gift certificate.
> Recognition is often accompanied by $$$$$$ or a gift certificate.
> Job interest is often preceded by "How much is the salary".
> More responsibility if often accompanied by $$$$.
> Advancement typically means more $$$$$$.
>It is true you can experience these without $$$$$. How many people are
> willing to spend their life for achievement, recognition, job interest,
> responsibility, and advancement without $$$$$$.

I think the point being made is money alone is not a strong motivator.
Not enough money is a strong demotivator, but getting more money
without the other aspects...achievement, recognition, job interest,
responsibility or advancement.... is not a strong motivator alone.
I've seen people leave jobs for lower pay with more potential and more
interest. I've seen people stay at jobs with lower pay due to the
high interest, achievement and recognition.

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves

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