Our Purpose Here on LO LO9147

Thu, 15 Aug 1996 11:50:54 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO9128 --

Hi Rick

Firstly I would like to acknowledge all your hard work in moderating this
list, and keeping its tone consistent - and kind - This is the main
reason, despite the large mailings that I keep subscribed.

I just posted a query on mission statements to this list, and am looking
forward to the response which will come. Despite feeling somewhat shy
about my ability to discuss the more complex concepts often bounced around
on some of the threads, I really enjoy following these, and stretching
myself. I personally think that we are doing fine. This is a wide
spectrum list, which lets all of us who are struggling with lifelong
learning and living participate at the level at which they are.

To people who feel uncomfortable with the conceptual, or esoteric
discussions, use your delete button. The list would be less rich without
the exploration and careful archaeological review of meaning. And to
people who would like a more practical sort of review of
"learning-organization" principles in the real world, please start the
ball rolling by sharing what you do.

This list has a very important focus - I would define it as a support for
and exploration of what it means to learn consciously and continuously.
At the personal as well as the systemic level, change is so fast and fluid
that we need all the wave surfing skills we can muster.

Thank you for a dynamic, broad list. There is room for everyone.
Lisetta Chalupiak.



Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>