Traditional Wisdom... LO8776

Christian Giroux (lmccgir@LMC.Ericsson.SE)
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 12:55:23 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO8742 --

Mary Apodaca asks:

> "It is traditional wisdom in the business world that a coporation is only
> as good as the people it employs."
> How would you react to this statement--in writing, that is?

IMO, this statement cannot be rejected. What's "good" ? To me, at first
glance, it seems like an obvious statement (in French we could even call
it a "Lapalissade" from a guy called LaPalisse who used to state things
like "Up to the moment he died, he was still alive").

So I come back to the question, what's "good" ? As in "good people" or in
"good corporation".

You can have "good" people and "bad" values-in-use...Does this make the
corporation a "bad" one ?

We could also generalize Senge's statement that for a team, the team IQ is
greater than the sum of the people's IQ to a corporation. But then, is the
capacity of the people to work in teams (or as a huge team, at the
corporation level) a component of their "goodness" ?

What intrigues me, Mary, is why this organization wants to answer that
question ?


Christian Giroux
System Support Manager,
Technical Assistance Center
Ericsson Research Inc.


Christian Giroux <lmccgir@LMC.Ericsson.SE>

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