Intro -- Roger Byers LO8695

Roger Byers (100247.2216@CompuServe.COM)
28 Jul 96 10:10:17 EDT

Intro Roger Byers

Hello all. I am an Australian undertaking my Doctorate in Business
Administration with research focusing on the learning organisation.
Generally, I will be looking at 1) How Australian businesses define a LO;
2) The characteristics of a LO; 3) The extent to which these
characteristics exist in Australian businesses; and 4) How to measure a

I am interested in networking with others who have done or are attempting
similar research (be they from Australia or elsewhere) and would be
delighted if anyone could provide any information which is considered
relevant to my research. If it were possible to replicate overseas
research here, then a greater contribution to knowledge may be possible.
For your info., I am not an academic but a management practitioner who's
decided to take a few years off from the corporate mayhem to undertake the
Doctorate. Whether this will provide a different slant to my research
style and methods is open for conjecture - as long as the outcome warrants
the expenditure in terms of time, effort and cost, then I'll be content
(and a whole lot wiser no doubt).


Roger Byers
Fax +61 2 437 6420


Roger Byers <100247.2216@CompuServe.COM>

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