On 26 Jul 96 at 12:08, Malcolm Jones wrote:
> From what I have read of Chaos theory in the business context (
> Margaret Wheatley, Ralph Stacey etc.) I get the idea that we can
> only cope with limited instability, and that organisations can only
> function on the creative, unstable edge for a limited period of time
> before choosing a new stable state.
I wonder if you could give some concrete examples for the terms
above; creative unstable edge, and particularly new stable state. I
can't quite figure out the meaning.
> A side note on some child psychology - researchers found that when
> adventure playgrounds were made safer this resulted in the
> children's play becoming more dangerous - there seemd to be a level
> of danger (anxiety) the children were comfortable with, and if the
> playground was made too safe they had to compensate by taking more
> risks.
Optimal level of arousal research....really neat stuff, also in the
sense of individual differences!
Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication
dbt359@freenet.mb.ca, Located in Winnipeg,Canada.
*For articles on management, change, training,communication, etc,
visit our home page at: http://www.winnipeg.freenet.mb.ca~dbt359
--"Robert Bacal" <dbt359@freenet.mb.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>