In his book "What they STILL don't teahc you at the Harvard Business
School," Mark McCormack makes a couple of interesting points.
1. Never underestimate the importance of money. It is what allows
people and organizations to remain economically viable.
2. Never overestimate the importance of money. Money without a whole
host of other stuff leaves an empty and unfulfilled person. This
"stuff" includes family, recreation, community, spiritual growth,
respect and value for OTHER people, etc.
This leads to the question, "How much money is enough money?" There
is a BIG difference between having enough money to meet your needs and
the unbridled quest for money. Enough money is an important part of
personal wealth. Obscene amounts of money tend to leave pointedly
"unwealthy" people in its wake.
I can't say how much money is enough. All I can say is that there is
more to personal and organizational life than simply how much money
you make or how much you directly impoact the "bottom line."
--Clyde Howell The Howell Group
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