Why is Wealth Important? LO8659

John Farago (jfarago@cix.compulink.co.uk)
Thu, 25 Jul 96 11:11 BST-1

Replying to LO8619 --

Replying to:Why is Wealth Important? LO8619

Rev. Dick Wolff attacks as "naive nonsense of a peculiarly American
type" Gary Scherlings' comment:

> If they truly have achieved Personal Mastery, you'll find them
>in the 'Who's Who?" , and they will be wealthy."

While it is not right to equate personal mastery with wealth, Dick should
not be labelling that view as peculiarly American. There are surely many
Americans who seek spiritual mastery and many in the rest of the world who
confuse wealth with salvation. It would be unfortunate if national
stereotyping were to spoil the tone of this mail list.

As for the market capitalist system, despite its limitations and
iniquities/inequities, it has proved a more effective way of meeting human
needs (and not just material needs) than other political/economic systems.
But as so often, we may be straying beyond sensible boundaries of the

John Farago


jfarago@cix.compulink.co.uk (John Farago)

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