Michael Erickson <sysengr@atc.boeing.com> present the high value
of visualization using cartoons:
>...I've been creating concept cartoons ever since, and even though they will
>invariably start an arguement, they clear the air and get every one on the
>same wavelength because it "shows" what is meant by what is "said". (And I
>think I've helped saved a few million dollars in software development
>costs that would have been needed to re-write code after it was discovered
>it was wrong-3 or four months down the road when it's much more
YTI has adopted object-oriented business analysis for many of the same
reasons. The words that describe it are also on our web page at
and look for The Masters' Apprentice and Soft Navigation System. I also
have several graphics including a set of icebergs depicting the discovery
process which I have not yet had time to place on the web site. We
presented the visuals at Guide in Montreal in 1993.
We use the techniques for communications, BPR and to avoid the translation
steps for automation...Keith
(PS several companies have increased their growth to 30% annually after a
single OO session and then two years of hard work)
--Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>
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