I have sent this to LO, sys-dyn, and SUN lists ... if you receive more
than one, my apologies in advance.
At the SD Conference in Boston this week, Fred Affeldt (GDSS, Inc) and I
ran into a number of Washington DC area folks who are either journeymen SD
modelers, sorcerer's apprentices, or SD modeler wannabees (myself
included). There seemed to be some interest in trying to form a loose
group with the aim of meeting once in a while to share SD war stories.
It seems if you aren't within a one-mile radius of MIT, there's no one to
talk to! OK ... so I exaggerate a bit ... but the idea of a shared
community is attractive, no?
If any of you would be interested in getting together sometime, please
contact me (or Fred) at the addresses below ... we'll try to set up
Stephen Wehrenberg
Chief, Forecasts and Systems, US Coast Guard;
Administrative Sciences, The George Washington University
Fred Affeldt
Principal, GDSS, Inc.
--Stephen Wehrenberg <wstephen@erols.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>