History of Corporate Change LO8606

Mon, 22 Jul 1996 13:15:08 -0400

Replying to LO8548 --

Hi Ben Compton,

You might want to take a look at the book "Boom, Bust & Echo" by Canadian
economist/demographer David K. Foot (Macfarlane Walter & Ross, Toronto,
1996). He has made a career by tracking the changing needs of the Canadian
baby boom. For example, he uses it to explain the plateauing of careers -
"You can't promote a rectangle up a triangle!".

Many of the insights are directly transferrable to the U.S. as well as
Australia and New Zealand which, together with Canada, were the only four
countries to experience a pronounced post war baby boom. His ingenious use
of basic statistics yields insights which no consumer goods organization
can afford to ignore, not to mention the education, health and finance

Best wishes,
David Hurst (dhurst1046@aol.com)
Speaker, Consultant and Writer on Management



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