Golden Rule LO8599

Mon, 22 Jul 96 09:00:36 EST

Replying to LO8549 --

Bret Nelson said:

> It may be too parental for some, but I think as we mature we realize
> that the way to treat people is sometimes painful for them. We can
> grow to "know better" or "know what's best."

I agree it's too parental! To know what's better for someone else
takes that terrible step of responsibility for them. In our careers,
we may face situations, as a result of someone's behaviour, that we
take actions we wouldn't want anyone else to do to us, but look at the
context of the Golden Rule again -- You treat others the way they/you
you would want to be treated.

This means that, if you're about to implement some disciplinary action
in a employer/employee relationship, treat the other with respect and
sensitivity...don't ignore their behaviour. In this respect, as we
mature, we can recognize that the person needs to recognize their own
behaviours lead to the end result. It's not that we know better.
That's a dangerous course of action. It doesn't apply! The father
who tells the son to ' stay home and tend the farm..don't go into the
city and join that computer company...' beleives he knows better.

We all have our own paths to tread. Sometimes we tread them together,
sometimes we touch upon others paths in minor and in major ways. But
in the end, the path is ours alone to find, to follow and to grow!

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


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