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G'day everyone from Australia! Have been observing the conversations on
the learning-org digest for some time now and have decided it's time to
lob in. I am Brian Cole from Brisbane -
- Learning Organization practitioner (private consultant - "Advantage
Dynamics" is our business) Education background, masters student in Senge's
Learning Org Philiosophy.
- Married to Pamela (a powerful and expert research consultant)
- Father of Esther, Daniel, Dominic and Johnathon
I thought I'd start with a contribution and a request all in one.
What follows is a list of questions from an inventory which is one of our
products. It is called "The LO Inventory: First Impressions of
Organizational Ability". I understand the risks in putting this over the
www, however I am confident from watching the interactions in which you
folks have engaged will treat the material with ethical integrity and if
anyone wants in use the material they will make enquiries with us. =20 My
main interest is in your feedback on the validity, usefulness and/or
congruency of the questions.
The LO inventory's purpose is to provide some focused stimulus for
reflective conversation about the needs and capabilities of the
Participants answer the question "To what extent are the following true in
your organization" on a 0-5 scale. (0=not at all, 1=to a small degree,
2=to a small degree, 3=to some degree, 4=to a great degree, 5=to a great
1. The behaviour of senior staff matches the stated priorities of the firm.
2. The leaders of this firm act more as facilitators of our vision than as
masters of it.
3. Management welcome new ideas and initiatives from staff.
4. Our senior staff of this firm are encouraging of and interested in the
aspirations of staff members.
5. The leaders of this firm are open to challenging their own preconceived
6. Our senior staff of this organization facilitate working conversations
which bring new knowledge and new competencies.
7. Whatever their level of seniority, people of this firm have an attitude
of working together to get the job done.
8. The work demands of this firm are made attainable by creative, high
quality management.
9. Leaders here effectively assist in making lasting improvements to quality
of work output.
10. Senior staff here demonstrate an ability to listen skillfully and draw
the best out in others by the questions they ask.
Culture and Professional Environment
11. This firm has a clearly stated and coherent shared vision of its future.
12. The people with whom I work are committed to a shared philosophy and
13. I=92m part of a firm of people who feel personally responsible for
continual top quality in services.
14. The people of this firm see current reality as an ally, not an enemy.
15. People here take steps to stay awake to the assumptions that lie behind
their thinking.
16. There are no real "class" distinctions which make working together
difficult here.
17. People here are honest and open with one another, especially when
working together on projects.
18. Conflict between people here is always resolved for the benefit of
working together better.
19. The people of this firm review failures and successes with a view to
learning from them.
20. Our main focus for competition is with similar firms offering similar
services, not between individuals or groups within the firm.
Competence and Innovation
21. The people of this firm have a good understanding of their specific
contributions to the future of this firm.
22. People here communicate regularly and creatively with one another about
their picture of the future of the firm.
23. This firm consistently provides information, encouragement and resources
necessary for staff to develop the abilities that are needed.
24. The people who work for this firm are continually working at improving
their knowledge and abilities.
25. Quality of work output and development of better practices is not
inhibited by clich=E9s and prejudices within the firm.
26. The people here engage in activities which result in a better
understanding of market place competition and workplace realities.=20
27. People here are confident that if they make mistakes they will not be
penalized but it will an opportunity for productive learning.=20
28. The people who work here are continually focused on developing new
and/or better services and competencies by working co-operatively together.
29. This firm deals thoughtfully and creatively with difficulties, knowing
that quick fix solutions can produce worse problems later.
30. The people who work here look for innovative solutions that will produce
long term results.
Professional Development and Recognition
31. This firm recognises each persons=92 contribution as being valuable to=
firm=92s overall vision of the future.
32. This firm develops creative career opportunities for individuals which
promote the firm=92s vision for the future.=20
33. The professional development of all people at this firm is geared to
encourage them to advance their own aspirations.
34. People here are rewarded for taking initiative in their day-to-day work.
35. The people of this firm are continually reviewing the way they think
about bringing the best out in people.
36. This firm actively encourages the belief that people are its best asset.
37. Team based initiatives and solutions are prized by this firm.
38. When teams or work groups acquire new skills or create new solutions to
difficult problems, this is celebrated both formally and informally.=20
39. Innovative solutions which stand the test of time are most highly valued
and rewarded by this firm.
40. The career development of people working here is integrated into a long
term plan for each individual.
Work Processes and Systems
41. Staff in this firm are aware of the specific measures used to plot the
firm=92s progress towards shared goals.
42. The systems used here ensure that work produced is consistent with a
clear picture of future directions shared by the people who work here.
43. The methods of accountability at this firm encourage individuals to take
maximum responsibility and initiative in their work.
44. This firm employs work systems which enable individuals to be
continually learning from their work experience.
45. The work systems here actively encourage individuals to see themselves
as more than their position or job title.=20
46. Our normal procedures of work guide people to look past their first
impressions when looking for solutions to problems.
47. People at this firm find it easy to rely upon working with others for
the successful completion of set tasks and responsibilities.
48. The organizational structure of this firm supports people working
cooperatively together.
49. This firm has processes which ensure that lessons learnt from successes
and failures are recorded and reviewed.
50. The work systems here guide staff to search for creative responses to
difficult situations.
Please let me know your thoughts and reflections. Thanks everyone.
Brian Cole
Advantage Dynamics
Leadership, Innovation and Business Building
--Brian Cole <advan@powerup.com.au>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>