Valdis E. Krebs" <> in responding to the issue
of personality types, said:
>...Is it situation or is it Type? IMHO the answer seems to be both AND
>neither. Both contribute to the mix, but neither determines the outcome
>- -- it's somewhere in the _interaction_ of the two.
I have seen great leaders adapt to the situation in order to get the
result desired. They will sometimes be passive and questioning instead of
verbal and visual in their animation.
I agree that testing like the MBTI is a useful mirror to improve our
understanding of ourselves and others. But just as a mirror has limited
usefulness during our typical day, so too, do the tests. I get very
nervous when people say they ARE what their tests said. All the self-
improvement activity is aimed at helping us rise above what we "ARE" to
become more effective.
Any tool is just that: an instrument that is useful in a specific
(PS I believe that people should be using their fundamental strengths,
which a test might help identify, while constantly building new ones.)
--Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>
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