On 18 Jul 96 at 8:41, orgpsych@csra.net wrote:
> Holy Mental Models, Batman!
> People aren't simply "raw materials" that can be classed as "good"
> or "bad." People can, and must, be grown and developed. Genetics
> is certainly a factor but there are so many other influences which
> shape the way we each behave and perform. There is a TON of
> research that show this.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was responding to the notion that TQM could be
applied to education, as it can be applied to things, and was suggesting
that it is not possible to do it in the same way, because we cannot
control the quality of the incoming "materials". I can see how here might
be people out there not familiar with TQM and it's variants, that might
find this unclear.
> Interesting note, if we eliminate the variation in people, we will
> surely stop the appearance of such people as Leonardo da Vinci,
> Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King ... and most of us in this
> discussion group. It is precisely this variation that lets us
> continue to learn and grow through discovery. --
Exactly, and that's why the TQM model cannot be applied IN THE SAME WAY as
it applies to things. SPC and many variants of TQM are designed to
reduce/eliminate variation in products. Applying it to an
educational/learning context must be different, it seems to me.
Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication
dbt359@freenet.mb.ca, Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(204 888-9290.
--"Robert Bacal" <dbt359@freenet.mb.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>