Low hanging fruit LO8493

Barry Mallis (bmallis@ns.markem.com)
15 Jul 1996 08:09:18 U

Replying to LO8481 --

I agree with Don's assessment about what may happen to teams working on
""low hanging fruit".

We are attempting to avoid that situation in our company by stressing in
word and deed the requirement to "turn the improvement wheel" another
time. We refer to it as many other TQ companies do: working on a problem
"in the next spin". While the connotations with political lying or "white
lying" are tempting, we don't recognize that connection because of the
training which goes into transfering TQ principles and tools to the

We definitely go after low hanging fruit in some--but not all--cases; and
then we return to see what root causes (for example) have now become the
new 20% which create 80% of the problems, and so forth.


Barry Mallis

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>