Why is Wealth Important? LO8450

Archie Kregear (kregear@lims.lockheed.com)
Thu, 11 Jul 1996 10:08:31 -0700

Replying to LO8265 --

If Price wrote:

To them that have [under the extant set of self-evident truths/ values/
patterns/ beliefs/ accrueth more?

To them that have not- what ?

I recall an English Writer, C.P. Snow comparing to religions, one a
'gentle heresy' that flourished and perished in some briefly blooming
middle eastern civilisation the other Christianity which "sprang from mind
to mind like fire among the hopelessly dispossed of the Roman slums" - or
words to that effect.

Your words describe a reality of our society, yet one that haunts me,
because I sense the same dynamic having been played out many times in the
past with revoluions and suffering every time the balance shifted or, as I
understand the Chinese tradition held 'The mandate of heaven' moved.

Does it have to be that way? Does it matter?
------End Quote------

The percieved dichotomy between those that have and those that have not is
what creates the revolutions and suffering. In today's society, the
barrier between these two sides is really non-existant except in the minds
of the individuals. For the balance to shift would be due to the lack of
respect being displayed by those who have towards the have-nots.

To get to your questions: "Does it have to be that way?" Yes, in that I
believe that this is part of human nature. Those who have-not usually
resent those who have, and those who have resent those who have-not.
"Does it matter?" Yes in that a true understanding between the haves and
have-nots or in those who's beliefs differ, will usually lead to a higher
standard for all involved.

As If stated: "To them that have not- what?"

"Success (To me achieving what ever your goals are) is neither magical nor
mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of constently applying
basic fundamentals." -Jim Rohn

Everything you need for your better success has already been written. It's
all available. All you have to do is go to the library. But only three
percent of the people in America have a library card.

If everyone of those who believed that they were in the "have-nots"
improved themselves 10% this year, what would the impact on our society

Archie Kregear
Archie Kregear

"We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are."
-Jim Rohn



Archie Kregear <kregear@lims.lockheed.com>

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