Ivan gives an excellent example:
================ START SNIP ========================
"What will an individual do when s/he only sees a kid lying on
the road side, struggling to breath after a four-wheeler ran
over its legs."
"In my view the response from any person from any corner of the world with
any kind of religious, cultural, political and economic background would
be by way of rendering SOME HELP to that kid. Tell me where have all the
differences in Values gone?"
================== END =========================
In many areas of the world (China and Egypt are two) as soon as a child is
born the child is given water from the local river. If the child cannot
survive the dysentary, etc. which results then the child cannot live in
that region anyway. Without medical care available this, at least to the
people who live there, is more humane to the *society* in that their
meager resources are not uselessly squandered on a losing battle to keep
the weak child alive.
My values, and I suspect most readers' values protest this tradition while
we would be considered both bad and stupid (and condescending) for our
solipsistic approach, IMHO.
--Hal Popplewell GaltJohn22@aol.com
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