> The answers that Rol and Ginger are very enlightening, with much to
> commend them.
> BUT, firstly, the idea that customers play an important role in defining
> the metrics is tempered by the ideas of generative learning (re: the
> GArvin article of 1992, I think, and work by Senge himself), which
> suggests that customers DON'T always know what they want, organizations
> have to develop new ideas 'beyond the frontier' to maintain their
> position, rather than 'doing the same, but better'.
Good point, in some cases. In others (such as contract {"job shop"}
manufacturing, design, etc.) the customer suplies us with specifications,
drawings, technical support, etc. They, in turn, have designed their end
products with their customers' specifications......
I spent some time as an IBM, Compaq, Intel, et al supplier. In many cases
the early involvement of the supplier in the design process helped with
manufacturablity and making the end item even more attractive to the user.
There are many industries where the customer mandates not only the metrics
of design, but also hands down process metrics, general systems metrics
(Motorola, IBM 6 sigma programs, IBM Baldrige Self-assessments and
reports; the automotive industry and QS9000, Compaq's World Class Quality,
Internal to an organization, the "who" depends largely on organizational
structure. The original thread from which this on derives was
"empowerment". I have always listened to engineers, spotwelders,
janitors, and general managers. I have not always agreed with them or
been able to use their suggestions. The sheet metal covers and chassis of
PC's are designed by mechanical engineers with input from electric
engineers. There are a lot move variables in the design than a brake
operator or spot welder understand. The same logic applies in many other
situations. In these cases, the customer in usually right.
--jzavacki@epix.net John Zavacki The Wolff Group 900 James Avenue Scranton, PA 18510 Phone: 717-346-1218 Fax: 717-346-1388
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