Communication inter alia LO8372
Mon, 8 Jul 1996 08:59:21 -0500

Replying to LO8351 --

Terri wrote
>I...believe that our language, as well as communication in
>general, is an important (and often overlooked)
>consideration. While we peridically discuss "communication"
>as a process within LOs, I'm not sure I've seen much
>explicitly about language (though I think it's at least
>implicit within the language we use on this list).

I hope that Michael McMaster will jump back in here. Just
this weekend I began reading his book, and I cannot fairly
represent his ideas. But something that comes across quite
clearly is this: If we want to -think- a new way, we may
need a new language to -communicate- that new thinking.
Whether the change in thinking applies because of the
discovery (invention?) of General Relativity or the adoption
of Systems Thinking, new ideas seem to require new language
-- including new words and even new grammar. (Errors in
relaying Michael's thoughts are mine, not his!)

I wonder if this holds true also for a new emotional
environment? If we evolve to -think- in terms of trust must
our language evolve as well?

Michael A

Michael Ayers IT Education Svcs\3M Center 224-2NE-02\PO Box 33224\St Paul MN 55133-3224 Voice (612) 733-5690 FAX (612) 737-7718 - Ideas in this note represent the author's opinions and do not - intentionally represent the positions of anyone else in this galaxy.

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