Sam writes:
>Perhaps we need to return to some of the early studies about
>propaganda and persuasion (several very interesting ones carried out in
>the 1940s as part of the war effort), and figure out how to innoculate
>ourselves, our children, our organizations and our society against the
>blatant manipulations in the media.
I fear it's far too late for that. The only people available to
accomplish this are all children of the mediated age, and for the most
part cannot even imagine life without a predigested reality.
Sam continues:
>Certainly evidence suggests that the
>Serbian- Croatian - Moslem animosity as well as the Hutus and Tutsis in
>Ruwanda were orchestrated hate campaigns .
One might add that our knowledge of these events is also orchestrated.
Many people have already forgotten that war continues to rage in Somalia,
India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia (Timor), Peru, etc. And most of them won't
remember the connections when - for reasons of "newsworthiness" - the
media spotlights turn those ways again...
--Jack Hirschfeld Isn't it queer? Losing my timing this late in my career? And where are the clowns?
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