Archie Kregear <> wrote:
> The following is some excerpts I have cut from previous posts.
>> Finally, I'll answer the question, in context of both personal
>> and organizational wealth: Why is wealth important?
>> Because the ethical pursuit of wealth -- at any level --
>> requires individuals to grow and constantly develop their
>> abilities and their greatness. In the end, according to my
>> belief structure, individuals are the most important element
>> of an organization -- and it is for their success that an
>> organization should exist.
>> A, It gives me an opportunity to invite, again, a reflection on the
>> distinction of wealth and money.
>> B. Without disagreeing with your closing sentence the problem is that
>> 'should' is not the same as 'does'. I wonder if the key question is not
>> so
>> much 'who' benefits from the survival/ success of the organisation as
>> 'what' benefits.
To me all this loud thinking appears as an inner struggle we all have
while toggling with the word "Wealth". In the context of LO the most
important thing that needs to be kept in view is the answer for the
question "For what ultimate purpose should we all profess that all
organisations need to become LOs?" I hope that this is what we all try to
profess in one way or other hence I took the liberty to say so (I welcome
comments on this). My answer for this question would be that the purpose
is to help organisations go beyond the material wealth - of course with
all mechanisms put in place to ensure the physical well being at all times
- and emerge as a community which provides a model for sustaining and
improving the NATURAL WEALTH OF THE WORLD for the better use of ALL.
Whose Wealth is this that we are using, possessing and selling? What right
do we all have when some of our brothers and sisters on the other part of
the world are dying of starvation? In what intellectual discussions we
are all participating when we as individuals can not disassociate
ourselves from the concepts of Wealth and Money? My intention is not to
hurt the feelings of any one of you in this forum but to surface the naked
truth that People in the ORGANISATIONS are the right ones to contribute to
the creation of Global Community. We as HELPERS must find effective tools
for bringing out Global Thinking among people with whom we work.
NDDB - Anand - 388 001 India
> - I have followed the discussions on wealth over the past weeks, with
> the following concept in the back of my mind. I once heard that "A
> truely wealthy man will never be poor." A poor man may work to earn
> a lot of money, and become wealthy. What I see is the process of
> working, earning and becoming that is important. These are the means
> that justify the end result (to include that thread). However, I do
> not agree that organizations exist for the success of individuals who
> are part of the organization. An organization must exist for the good
> of the collective whole, but not necessarily for the good of the
> individual.
> Individuals, presently in our society must become individual
> entrepreneurs. They must develop their own skills and then offer
> themselves to an organization or set out themselves to provide a service
> to society or a segment of it. In most cases, as soon as an organization
> fails in its efforts to add value to society or the marketplace, the
> individuals are released as well as the objective of the organization.
> Either the individual business fails or the corporate business unit
> fails.
> Those who are wealthy (in knowledge, experience, money, property,
> investments, whatever) will be able to survive. Those who are poor
> (non-wealthy) will continue to rely on society to provide. I do agree
> that
> the pursuit of wealth is critical, not for the end result however. It is
> critical to lead individuals to their greatness.
> Archie Kregear
--Regards IVNS Raju "I V N S Raju" <>
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