Ends, Means, and Human Dynamics LO8282

Valdis E. Krebs (InFlow@cris.com)
Wed, 3 Jul 96 11:09:34 -0400

Roy wrote in LO8263...

>Human Dynamics has concluded that there are three dimensions to all of us,
>which are the mental , emotional, and physical.

What about the Social? Does this model imply we all act independent of
the social situation we are embedded in? If so, then IMHO it is a flawed
model. IMHO, you canNOT predict/understand behavior from only knowing
someone's MBTI, or Human Dynamics dimensions, etc. Much research shows
that an individual exhibits different behavior when put into varied

Valdis Krebs
Krebs & Associates
Los Angeles, CA
Cleveland, OH



"Valdis E. Krebs" <InFlow@cris.com>

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