Organisation Creative Response LO8266
Wed, 3 Jul 1996 08:17:00 +0800 (SST)

Change is the norm of today's world, be it technical, social, political.
And the speed of change is getting faster. The strategic issue for any
organisation is to be able to cope with and response to change.

By purely reactive and responding is insufficient. Organisation must put
in place some mechanism, for their individual, group and organisation as
whole, to be proactive to the changing environment, and response

I intend to propose to my organisation some mechanism to promote and
cultivate 1) the sensitivity and capturing of the changing environment 2)
to response creatively.

I would like to hear from those of you who would share your experience or
idea in implementing such change(s) and its implementation problems.

Best regards

Lim HweeSing, Singapore
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